Dr. Melanie Trowbridge, ND, LAc is licensed and practices in Washington State. All Telehealth visits must be performed in Washington State.
We’ve made it simple for you to book appointments and access our services. You have two convenient options:
To book appointments online or schedule a Free 15-minute consultation by web:
To book by phone:
Please leave a phone or text message with name, phone number, and type of appointment you are requesting at:
(425) 647-4249
We will typically call you within 24 hours to book a time.
Payment Flexibility:
We offer multiple payment options for your convenience. At the time of your appointment, you can pay with a Credit Card, Cash, Check, or through various Health Savings Accounts (HSA). If you have an HSA, we recommend verifying coverage prior to your visit.
Transparent Fees:
As of 1/1/23, Dr. Trowbridge operates her practice on a sliding scale model. Discounts are available upon request for college students, individuals aged 65 and above, and those with low income.
Sliding Scale Suggestions
Lower amount = “What I can afford at this time”
Middle value = “I feel stable”
Higher value = “Fees are not a problem at this time”
Visit Types:
In Person Appointments – Wednesday / Weekend
First Office Call (Approx. 90 min. appointment) = $150 to $225
Follow-up Acupuncture = $100 – $125
Follow-up Naturopathic = $125 – $150
Follow-up ND/Acupuncture Combined (Approx. 90 min. appointment) = $125 to $200
Follow-up Tuning Fork, Tuina, or Cupping alone (Approx. 30 min. appointment) = $50 – $75
Telehealth Virtual Appointments – Monday / Wednesday / Friday / Weekend appointments:
Telehealth First Office Call (Approx. 60-90 min. appointment) = $150 – $225
Telehealth Return Office Call = $100 – $150
Telehealth Free 15 minute Consultations